Carefully follow the guidelines below to install and configure SURVEYflow.
The SURVEYflow MSI file installs all data to the folder C:\Program Files\MonkeyFlow and will do the following:
Automatically loads the SURVEYflow ribbon into Autodesk® AutoCAD® / Autodesk® AutoCAD LT® / Bricsys® BricsCAD®.
Copies the SURVEYflow Plot Configuration (PC3 and PMP) files to the installation folder, then copies them to the correct location on your PC as configured in AutoCAD / BricsCAD.
Copies the SURVEYflow title sheet DWT files to the installation folder, then copies them to the correct location on your PC as configured in AutoCAD / BricsCAD.
Copies the SURVEYflow Plot Styles (CTB) files to the installation folder, then copies them to the correct location on your PC as configured in AutoCAD / BricsCAD.
Sets the Support Files Search Path and Trusted Locations location paths in AutoCAD / BricsCAD.
Once setup is completed we advise reading the pages Title Sheets (DWT) Files and Plot Style (CTB) Files.
1. Close all running versions of AutoCAD / BricsCAD.
2. Double click the SURVEYflow installation MSI file.
3. Follow the instructions on the screens to install.
SURVEYflow will be installed to the folder C:\Program Files\MonkeyFlow.
4. The final install screen is shown below, ensure the View readme file box is checked to open the User Guide.
5. Open AutoCAD / BricsCAD - the SURVEYflow ribbon will load into the interface automatically.
Should you wish to use the SURVEYflow pull down menu type MENUBAR at the command prompt and set to 1.
6. SURVEYflow should now be installed and activated.
The auto-load of SURVEYflow may encounter issues if CAD configurations have been changed from default settings.
Should your SURVEYflow not be loaded please follow the steps outlined in the Troubleshooting FAQ section.